sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2019


via Guillermo

Es menester que vengas,
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho,
y torno a ser el hombre abandonado
que antaño fui, mujer, y tengo miedo.

¡Qué sabia dirección la de tus manos!
¡Qué alta luz la de tus ojos negros!
Trabajar a tu lado, ¡qué alegría!;
descansar a tu lado, ¡qué sosiego!

Desde que tú no estás no sé cómo andan
las horas de comer y las del sueño,
siempre de mal humor y fatigado,
ni abro los libros ya, ni escribo versos.

Algunas estrofillas se me ocurren
e indiferente, al aire las entrego.
Nadie cambia mi pluma si está vieja
ni pone tinta fresca en el tintero,
un polvillo sutil cubre los muebles
y el agua se ha podrido en los floreros.

No tienen para mí ningún encanto
a no ser los marchitos del recuerdo,
los amables rincones de la casa,
y ni salgo al jardín, ni voy al huerto.
Y eso que una violenta Primavera
ha encendido las rosas en los cercos
y ha puesto tantas hojas en los árboles
que encontrarías el jardín pequeño.

Hay lilas de suavísimos matices
y pensamientos de hondo terciopelo,
pero yo paso al lado de las flores
caída la cabeza sobre el pecho,
que hasta las flores me parecen ásperas
acostumbrado a acariciar tu cuerpo.

Me consumo de amor inútilmente
en el antiguo, torneado lecho,
en vano estiro mis delgados brazos,
tan sólo estrujo sombras en mis dedos...

Es menester que vengas;
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho.
Ya sabes que sin ti no valgo nada,
que soy como una viña por el suelo,
¡álzame dulcemente con tus manos
y brillarán al sol racimos nuevos.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

29 de sept 2019 - inconcluso

en aquella pizzeria donde un dia fuy yo, llegaste.. con canas, con el alma mas arrugada que la cara.. y no te conocí.
tu tampoco a mi… he engordado.. me he puesto mas viejo y mas arrugado si se puede.. el tiempo pasa.. y de que hablábamos? bicocas como diria tinito.. o pinga como diria yo.. hacer conversacion para que pasaran las horas. yo bebia con agitacion.. tengo un problema? no se.. quiza si.. pero solo se puede dejar un vicio a la vez..
salimos el viernes.. willy y yo.. a vivir o a revivir.. . el su fabula y yo la mia.
de camino a la 8, pasamos por valsan donque compre unos jeans negros y un pullover pues nunca mas salgo con ropa de trabajo.. veronica no me lo perdonaría.
Llegando a la 8, yo queria meterme en cuba ocho, y el willy.. sabiendo como de queda la billetera al salir de dicho antro nos hizo pasar por un liquor store en la 27 y cargar con botellitas de regalo para los bolsillos.. whiskies que nunca comprarias por lo caros que son, en forma de botellita son bastante acsequibles.. y salimos para alla. Llegando a cuba ocho, pasamos de largo no sin notar el lugar donde salimos pelados el fin de semana anterior.. con tabacos y veronicas.. por mas que trato no logro recordar el nombre de la otra muchacha. en fin..
seguimos para ball and chain, donde un grupito tocaba.. musica de turistas.. vampeo barato ahi..
toma y toma, nos movimos para el fondo y yo pedi un tabaco.. me vienes a la mente y te mando una foto, dos.. me dices de una cervecera cerca. como te quisiera aqui.. empieza el baile.. saco una temba a bailar.. sigue la cosa..bailamos con otra y otra.. llega el villano… nos dice que willy chirino viene al frente y salimos para alla.. pero nos damos cuenta que no llega hasta las 11pm.. y la que menos tiene, tiene 75 años y anda con burrito.. willy se berrea con el villano y dice que nos embarco’ y salimos de vuelta para ball and chain… seguimos bailando..se hace de noche.. empieza en guaguanco.. saco dos jevas de LA a bailar.. pero están de pinga.. una de ella me pasa la mano por las nalgas.. me la llevaria pero estan de pinga. le doy cambiazo con willy. sigo bailando con una venezolana… bailando o haciendo que bailo rumba estoy cansado y sin aire..

hace unos dias no se si antes o despues de este dia, leia una entrada en “segunda cita” en la cual el narraba, o ponia una narracion de un dia suyo.. precisamente el 29 de sept del 1969. tendria 24 años o por ahi, 6 menos que yo, y una vida por delante. en ese dia, el zarpaba en el barco playa. rumbo a Africa. rumbo a la pesca, rumbo a componer sesentaypico canciones. Esta entrada no la iba a incluir hasta que lei la entrada de Silvio. y vi la diferencia. el talento es la vida

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

El & Ella

poema original de "decuandoestuveloco.wordpress.com"

Él la extraña.

Ella lo piensa.

Él quiere escribirle.

Ella quiere que escriba.

Él no lo hace.

Ella le responde a otro.


miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

La casa de la Trova (en el exilio)

casa de la trova. Santiago de Cuba

Una de las incomodidades de aprender, o querer aprender a tocar un instrumento se radica en encontrar quien te enseñe. Al menos si eres adulto cuando lo intentas. Y aunque yo sea dueño de guitarra, eso no me hace merecedor de ella… eso es algo que hay que arreglar.
Pues "manos a la obra” me digo, y me dispongo a buscar las redes a un profesor, o un grupo.. un encuentro, un conclave, un enjambre..una manada.. me conformo con un loco solo que toque la guitarra por unos centavos… algo que de señales de vida de son cubano, de bolero filin, de musica autentica, tradicional.. pero nada.. Y me doy cuenta poco a poco que esta ciudad esta muerta musicalmente.

Por supuesto que hay musica. Hay clubs como “the ball and chain” incluso “cuba 8” pero son inaccesibles, como explicarme, hay club pero no hay peña..

hace años tuve un amigo que me enseño mas lecciones de las que yo queria aprender… de las que se aprenden de verdad, de las de "la letra con sangre entra”.. y de estas si hay una que quisiera recordar es que lo que no existe, se hace.. y no hay nada mas valioso que aprovechar el tiempo.
Quiza este grupo de musicos existe, solo necesitan ser encontrados.. Solo necesitan ser llamados… Hay que crear.. hay que empezar … el le llamaba el “nucleo de cristalización” y por mas que busco no encuentro palabras mejores para describir lo que hace falta aqui.

aqui hace falta musica. musica callejera. musica de la de santiago de cuba. musica de la de la casa de la trova, donde semanalmente se reunan amigos, viajantes.. gente de bien y buen tocar que compartan ideas, que se enseñen unos a otros, que escuchen musica, que saquen licks. Gente con y sin formacion academica, esto no es Julliard, esto es Santiago.. Jams, risas, ron y humo de tabaco, puertas abiertas a la calle, sin aire acondicionado.. hace falta un “Gallo" hace falta un Rudy Daquin hace falta un Silvio hace falta una Sara, un Pablo.. Hace falta musica por su propio “sake” y tambien hace falta musica por el bien de todos. Hace falta poesía, hace falta un Guillen.. hacen falta dos Marti y tambien hacen falta otros que no sean tan buenos como esos.. otros que son el andamiaje en el que esos grandes pueden triunfar.. los que les enseñan a lo largo de el viaje.. y para que haya todo eso, hace falta peña.. hace falta un lugar.

No se como sera, ni donde ni cuando.. solo se que sera. un dia. solo hay que trabajar en ello.

domingo, 7 de julio de 2019


detras del colmenar, que forma el hierro y el alambre
tiemblan sus ojos de cristal, llorando lagrimas de sal
y hambre

donde se encuentra mi mama, alguien ha visto donde ha ido?
pregunta al verde mayoral, que ordena que se han de callar,
el ruido

ve a otro nino en el rincon, agazapado y asustado
los ninos no tienen perdon, si a suerte han su condicion,

el corazon no se humedece, en esta tribu de viajantes
amor a quien amor merece, por que estos ninos no parecen
los de antes

aquellos ninos que en metal, en goma, espuma y en maderos,
fragiles hojas a flotar, cruzando aquel sangriento mar

y te pregunto que se crece, en esta tribu de viajantes,
amor a quien amor merece... por que estos ninos no parecen
los de antes.

on being a man…

Oct 14, 2014

Life as a fatherless child is seldom uneventful. Some children suffer and cope, others never recover. I hardly noticed.
That’s an unfair statement. I did notice, but it wasnt until later on in life. Well, when failing at the things that were rightfuly proper of a father to teach, when the lack of guidance leads you to trial and error.. then I missed my father. There started my journey, looking for a father, or rather, for many fathers. People who could guide a young man at a particular time, always different men, sometimes quite successful, some others grossly off target, but never malicious.

I had one of those too.

I am writing this for an old friend. A friend who is a little lost. A great friend long ago tangled in a sea of deception or just plain bad luck. I am always reticent to give that friend counsel, I never thought friends should hand those out lightly. Rather, friends, smart friends, may share an anecdote, an unrelated random thought and it is then the other’s burden to interpret it to their advantage. Here’s to you, my dear friend on right side of the moon.

On Being a Man…
I am writing this while I look at a photograph. A tall slender man stands in an outdoor crowd. Some of them are paying attention, some clap their hands, some others look at their neighbor, the rest are just plain distracted. All sit on the grass. It is a sunny day… The picture of black and white is quite old, perhaps 50 or 60 years ago… troubled times.. times of thinking of freedom.
The man still stands.. an instrument in his hand which he holds high, evidently strumming it with great force and energy. A long beam of tired wood, sticking out of a rim parched with a hide membrane. He stands impervious to their little distractions. He is possibly glad they’re all there, surrounding him. Noting their sum is more than their individual contributions. They are there and that matters.
In the scene there are no fancies for anyone. It’s devoid of chairs, empty of tables covered with checkered mantelpieces offering food or drinks, they just sit on the grass and listen, ready.. those who are ready, to make a difference.

What is a man? what makes a man?
It is inevitable to ask oneself that question while looking at this picture. A man must definitely be a man standing in a crowd, instrument in hand, like a powerful torch lighting those around him. A phrase is often used.. “a man’s man”
A man’s man is different from a woman’s man. The latter is able to shine on the ladies, anyone can do that given the right circumstances, and the right lady… but a man’s man shines onto his fellow men. It takes a special kind of individual to achieve this, yet it is so simple and natural albeit strange that escapes us most often.
He doesnt have to be a singer, or a warrior, or an astronaut, but a simple clerk or a farmer will do.. its in the quality.. definitely must be in the quality.

A Man is Rigor. A man must be strong, strong to fight for what he wants, wise to know what he deserves.. not empty of humor, or compassion, for those who lack it are just recklessly dangerous, but still strong to stand up for his life and his project. A man must be strong. Not strong as a weight lifter, not strong as a prisoner who fights his way through jail, but with the moral rectitude of those who do not doubt their own steps, and those, who sure of their own conviction will not dismiss the chance of changing their own mind when life proves them wrong. And life WILL

A Man is Brave. A man is definitely not without fear, but fear leading to inaction is unforgivable. I always remember my eighty-some year old grandfather’s trembling hand after he was assaulted and almost robbed of the goat he was caring for… a milk giving goat for his aging wife and infant grandson…. his hand trembled while it still held the old trusty knife that served him well fending off the three attackers. But I am sure, while it was happening, those hands were made of steel, the steady protection of a man. A Man is Protection

A man is truth, a man is justice, a man shall not be afraid of looking weak, when weakness shrouds the right way, his way.. a man matures.. and sees the world with the eyes of those who have been beaten by it.

A Man is Intelligence… A fool cannot be a man, nor be forged one with time. The quick word and loose gaze are his sworn enemies, and at the same time, the slow wit, the man who’s silence is the only defence, whose lack of foresight and wisdom are his impediment… that man is worthless… for a man is a Pillar.. for his family and friends.. A standing stone that can be counted on, almost predicted in the sense that his mind, his heart will rule his actions, A man is control, over himself, and then over his environment.. his wife and children, a man is a kind father, a loving husband, a man that weeps, but doesnt wail.. is shaken down, yet not brought down, never demolished.. A man stands, always.. banjo in hand and sings through all the verses.. every single time.

all this seems so obvious, its almost a waste of time and electrons to write… yet its hard being a man, you know I am trying to get there.. whether I make it or not is indifferent. Im on my way. Like the caligraphy student, whose penmanship will never be that of the beautiful sample he copies incesantly, he will undoubtely be improved by the exercise.

You asked me for my opinion yesterday. I held it back. This is my answer:
i’ll be happy to know when you come across a man.

Your friend on the left side of the moon

on me ... Day One.

Aug 24, 2006

Everybody tells you, but I guess like most things, you dont trully understand, much less appreciate them until you live them yourself. This could be said of the two things that are happening to me right this moment. hiking the rockies, and fathering a kid.

I can imagine, both are quite similar. You look up and see a steep incline. De Pinga! you say, and it looks like a long way ahead that will never end - and well, I can't really talk about kids, but as far as mountains is concerned, you look down, at your feet - lest you step on a rotten branch or a loose stone, and take it one step at a time. I look at my canteen. I've got 24 oz of water. I can still last two days and refill at the creek 10 miles up.

The trip just started. We took the trail head today and crossed some of the most hostile lands Ive ever seen in my life. the path, riddled with old cut off logs, pine, I think, turned grey due to the rain and the sun. The trail, dusty and every twenty paces or so you see a burrow in the ground, and I know not what animal lives in it, and I do not care to find out.

Hiking is a strange experience. Its not about the scenery as most people would beleive. As it turns out,the majority of times, your eyes will be no more than five paces ahead of your feet. But it is a deeply introverted experience...


yes, every once in a while you look up and you see a breathtaking scenery, a secret view, a wooden bridge, a clear creek, a foggy forest. But the majority of time you spend looking down at the road, with ample time to yourself and your thoughts... and during these times, which is most of them, I could hear your steps behind me.

It is quite likey due to being irredemably in love with you, "tu fantasma" tracks behind and follows me everywhere. Reminding me at every moment of silence that she's two steps away. And I thought of you and of the things that you and I lived through. And specially how different my life turned out just because on a whim I decided to stop by a friends house a beach day six years ago. How my life was inevitably changed by that desicion. I think of New Orleans and I notice how sometimes that comes to my mind my head cocks to the left quickly and I click my tongue, and yet other times I think of sun, an iron fence a bronze plaque and a vintage bike and I smile... so many lost cities...

I think of you and the two lives you've started. Two little new breaths of air in this world, two little fresh smiles to this world, something I know nothing about, and I think how I'm about to do the same. I think of him or her. What will his/her life be like? What can I do to keep him/her from making a fool of his/herself as I've made? How can I be there, or more importantly, how can I prepare someone so I dont need to be there at all times. One day, I'll be in my 50's and he or she will be in his early 20's, and he too will decide to drop unnanounced by a friends house and and be blown away by someone who's taking a lesson, or dropping a book, or passing by ... and on that day, will that little person that now barely takes shape... who's brain hasnt even fired yet as I cross the mountains of Colorado ... will he or she have the quickness of thought and the clear vision to act intelligently where his/her father acted so blindly?

I hope so.

however turns out, I know his name will be Richard M.

however turns out, I know her name will be Rowan E.

"the mountains are calling, and I must go" -John Muir


p.s. when you come visit me, leave me a little breath of air. kind of walking into a room and smelling the scent of someone who's been there but now is gone... a single letter, "M" will carry me a long way.... I leave it up to you

on you, the unknown…

March, 24, 2016

… written on the 903 …

I slowly begin to know you.
Naturally, I know I’ve been claiming to know you since the beginning. First as a ruse to get closer to you… You tried to teach me, but when tired by my lack of perception, you bluntly gave me the answers to that quiz… well… I didn’t know you back then.

After that, I thought knew you again. Perhaps as a plot to keep you around. To satisfy the need I had, or thought I had, to get more of you, week after week… I pretended to know you, and I fooled you and even myself, but I didnt know you back then.
Time passed. Years after, I hear from you, and that old flame which was very faint, though never fully extinguished, came back, revived by dreams and unfullfilled desires. Perhaps the flame of “the one that got away” you called it once, in an outrageously corny cliche over an orangey beer. Oh, I knew you that time! and I even was brave and foolish enough to declare myself victorious this time, the conqueror of your mysteries! except I didn’t.
– Lets live an adventure ! we yelled.
and we did. except that we are not adventurers as much as we love to dream of adventures. I didnt know you back then.
I am convinced the greatest push for inspiration comes from small month by month rooms overlooking the waterworks. And I’d be incredulous and very much mortified if I were told it isnt true that the greatest symphonies and the most amazing poems of love were written in places like these. Written in places like these and read in beautiful homes of the great american suburbia. Read by accomplished women as they kiss their husbands goodnight and go to bed, reading their forbidden fantasies by their side light.
It is funny to think about the writer, and the reader.How they relate, and how apart they are and how they might both pause at the same sentence, on the same comma, one because her husband twists and turns, the other to hurl a shoe at a roach that tries to claim rights to the apartment. And it can’t be any other way.

And as time went by, and I kept lying to myself, pretending to know your every thought and more importantly, pretending to know mine, I suddenly lost both and found myself deposed, I took exile in this little corner chock full of inspiration. I want for nothing. And yet you come back to me, disturbing me in my tranquil days, when I look out the window, and the smokestack belches fumes that curl up in the air in a hipnotizing pattern. Decadence has a mistery to it we love to imagine but we hate to live. The streets are cold.
I love you.